Dr. Amiya Karmakar
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

About Dr. Amiya Karmakar
Dr. Amiya Karmakar, Assistant Professor, Dept. Of CSE, obtained his M. E. in Computer Science & Engineering with speciali zation in Embedded Systems from West Bengal University of Technology in 2005 and Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering in 2015.
Dr.Karmakar has been engaged in teaching and research for the last nearly twelve years. He worked at West Bengal University of Technology as Project Officer for last Eleven years. At present he is an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of CSE at MAKAUT, WB.
His area of research include Embedded System Design, Computer architecture, Re-configurable Architecture using FPGAs, Software Defined Radio, VLSI design, Digital SignalProcessing, etc..