Dr. Pradyut Sarkar
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Research Area: Big data analysis and application
Internet of Things based security
Quantum Machine learning
Testing and Synthesis of Reversible Circuits
Quantum Circuit & cryptography
Data mining
About Dr. Pradyut Sarkar
Ph.D (Tech) in Computer Science and Engg. from Jadavpur University, 2016
M.Tech & B.Tech in Computer Science and Engg. from Calcutta University, 2002 & 2000 respectively
Big data analysis and application
Internet of Things based security
Quantum Machine learning
Testing and Synthesis of Reversible Circuits
Quantum Circuit & cryptography
Data mining.
i) Industry Experience :13 years
Position: Sr. Manager(IT)
Organization: Simplex Infrastructures Limited
ii) Teaching Experience : 5 years
Received certificates from All India Science Teachers’ Association for success in Science Aptitude & Talent Search Test in 1991 and 1992.
List of Publications
A. Publication of Research Papers in International Journal:
1. Pradyut Sarkar and Susanta Chakrabarti, “Universal Test Set for Bridging Fault Detection in Reversible Circuit”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems, vol. 2, 2010.
2. Pradyut Sarkar, B.Mondal, Susanta Chakrabarti, "A comprehensive fault diagnosis technique for reversible logic circuits" Computers & Electrical Engineering (ELSEVIER), Volume 40, Issue 7, October 2014, Pages 2259–2272.
B. Publication of Research Papers in International Conferences:
1. Pradyut Sarkar, Susanta Chakraborti and Arindam Karmakar, “Fault Diagnosis by Spectral Method”, VLSI Design and Test Symposium, pp.439-443,2004.
2. Pradyut Sarkar and Susanta Chakrabarti, “Universal Test Set for Bridging Fault Detection in Reversible Circuit”, IEEE ‘IDT’ ,Tunisia ,pp. 51 - 56 ,2008.
3. S. Chakrabarti, P. Sarkar and V. Singh, “Low- energy BIST Design for Logic Circuits by Hyper-graph Partitioning”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on C3IT-2009
4. P. Sarkar , S. Chakrabarti, B. Mondal, Rana Dattagupta, “Bridging fault detection of the reversible circuit using unitary Matrix” Proceeding Of the 2nd International conference RASDAT, 2011 on reliability aware system design and test. January, Chenni, 2011.
5. P. Sarkar , S. Chakrabarti, B. Mondal, “Synthesis of Reversible Logic Circuit using Unitary Matrix”. Proceeding Of the 2nd International conference RASDAT, 2011 on reliability aware system design and test. January, Chenni, 2011.
6. P.Saha, P. Sarkar , S. Chakrabarti, “Redundancy in Reversible Circuits “ 3rd Workshop on Reversible Computation, July, Belgium,2011.
P. Sarkar ,B.Mondal, S. Chakrabarti, “Synthesis of Balanced Ternary Reversible Logic Circuit”, IEEE 43rd International Symposium on Multivalued logic ISMVL-2013, May 21-24,, Toyama ,2013, pp. 334 - 339.
Pradyut Sarkar, Susanta Chakraborty, Rana Duttagupta and Virendra Singh, " Power Optimization Technique of Logic Circuit based on Distribution of Energy", IEEE 11th INDICON, December 11-13,pune,2014, pp. 1 - 5.
P. Sarkar ,B.Mondal, S. Chakrabarti and Rana Duttagupta, " Symmetric Function realization using Reversible Circuit Synthesis", IEEE TENCON , October 22-25, Bangkok, Thailand,2014, 1 - 6.
10. P. Sarkar ,B. Mondal, S. Chakrabarti, "Improved synthesis of Reversible Circuit" , WRTL 2015.
C. Under Review of Research Papers in International Journal:
1. P. Sarkar , S. Chakrabarti " Low Energy BIST design of logic circuit based on Distribution of Energy", in Elsevier Journal Integration of VLSI System.
2. P. Sarkar ,B.Mondal, S. Chakrabarti "A Cycle Based Synthesis Methodology of Reversible Circuits", in Elsevier Journal Computers & Electrical Engineering .
List of Presentation
in National / International :
1. Pradyut Sarkar, Arindam Karmakar, Susanta Chakraborty, “Fault Diagnosis by Spectral Method”, Proceedings of VLSI Design and Test Symposium, Presented at Mysore, India, 2004.
2. Pradyut Sarkar, Bikromadittya Mondal and Susanta Chakraborty, “Bridging fault detection of the reversible circuit using unitary Matrix”, Proceeding of the 2nd International conference on reliability aware system design and test (RASDAT), Presented at Chennai IIT, India, January 2011.
3. Pradyut Sarkar, Susanta Chakraborty, Rana Duttagupta and Virendra Singh, "Power Optimization Technique of Logic Circuit based on Distribution of Energy", Proceedings of IEEE 11th INDICON, Presented at Pune, December 11-13,2014.