Dr. Bivash Mallick

Welcome to the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) of MAKAUT, WB at Haringhta Campus. We are a multi-disciplinary engineering department covering a broad range of system oriented activities. IEM is concerned with designing and enhancing product and service performance in the context of efficiency, productivity, quality and reliability, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, occupational health and humanitarian applications. Currently we provide excellent opportunity to pursue M.Tech and PhD programmes preparing students to apply their acquired knowledge in solving complex real- life process oriented problems in order to emerge as productivity and quality improvement specialists. We strongly focus on work system design, application of operations research and analytics to meet the current market demand. IEM is facilitated by well- equipped labs along with various latest software packages (e.g. DELMIA, Arena, Autodesk Product Design Suite, NI LabVIEW, Primavera, MATLAB etc.) and excellent faculty members. We provide the most conducive environment of learning by linking theoretical concepts with its practical applications and look for to take up sponsored or funded projects. I invite you to make use of this departmental website to become more acquainted with IEM.
e-mail: hod.iem@makautwb.ac.in